Happy New Year!
Dear Readers,
Well, it looks like 2020 is over, and 2021 is upon us! I’m so excited! For Christmas, I got the best present ever. The Cowboy’s Amish Bride sold to Harlequin for the Love Inspired imprint and I am officially a Harlequin author. This is a dream I’ve been chasing for many years now, and to finally have it happen is just wonderful. I can’t wait to go through the process that will take it from raw manuscript to finished book. I am told the publication date is September 2021, so that’s not far off now, only 8 little months. I can get through that, right? Can’t wait to see the cover and my name on it! 🙂
Meanwhile, I’ve gotta get to work on another books. Ideas are going through my mind now…
Happy New Year!
Keep on reading!