December 2020

Dear Readers,

As I look back on my post from December 2019, I am struck by how much my life, and my writing, has changed. This time last year, I was so excited and hopeful. I had finished the proposal for Her Amish Blessing in August 2019. I was sure I was on my way to my first inspirational sale and felt this book would be my break. Oh, was I so wrong. While Her Amish Blessing garnered some interest and even a rewrite and resubmit from one editor, it did not sell. And, once the book had made the rounds, by March 2020 I had decided to put it away to revisit at a later time.

Needless to say, I was crushed.

Reluctantly, I began a new project, which was to become The Cowboy’s Amish Bride. Writing up a proposal and sample chapters, I sent it out. Fortunately, I found an agent, Tamela H Murray, of the Steve Laube Agency. I am happy to say Tamela has clicked for me. Not only has she taken the time to help me clarify my goals and writing process, she gets what it takes to be creative and understands the need to brainstorm a project or ten.  She also gets that not every hero is tall, dark and handsome and that heroines can be emotionally broken. As for the new book, it’s finished. I am cautiously optimistic it will find an editor who loves it as much as I do.

As I wait for a decision on this project, I am working on new books and trying not to think about the one that’s in circulation. Of course, I hope the manuscript will sell. If it doesn’t I’ll be disappointed, but it won’t deter me from writing another book. And another. And another. I have a lot of stories to tell. Stories I hope to share with readers someday soon.

So, as 2020 comes to a close, I’ll leave you all with the wish that your hopes and dreams for 2021 come true!

With all blessings,


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