August 2021

Dear Readers,

Hard to believe we are already in the 8th month of the year! Wow, 2021 is going fast. But it’s an exciting month because The Cowboy’s Amish Haven will officially release on August 1, on the Harlequin website (it also releases wide on 8.24.21). I am so excited the book will be in reader’s hands! And I am thrilled with the 5 star reviews that have begun popping up on Goodreads.  I am dying to know what you all think of the book, so keep them coming!!

Been busy trying to get Her Amish Blessing (book 1, Humble Blessings) done. I fell a little behind in July because of roof issues. We had a lot of rain and a lot of leaks showed up. Hopefully, those are dealt with and I can get back to finishing the book this month. At least, I hope to. It just keeps getting longer and longer, so I will definitely be cutting it down to word count before I send it in to my editor.

As for riding the bikes…August is my accident month, so I am being extra careful. In 2017 I was in a motorcycle wreck. In 2020, I shattered my spleen in a freak accident. Sooo, for this year I am going to be extra careful and try and not go to the hospital for any more emergencies. I am DONE with that (knock wood, LOL).

Gotta get back to the book. Meanwhile, I hope you all like the fresh redesign of my website. 🙂 I’m learning Elementor, and it’s been a bear to work with (grrrr.)

Blessings to all~


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