December 2021

Dear Readers,

Well, the first December update I did got eaten in a glitch with my webhost, so I am having to recreate it. I can’t exactly recall what I wrote, so here is the news:

First, Finding Her Amish Home is scheduled for a July 2022 release. It’s listed on Amazon now, and I can’t wait to see the cover. That’s always the best part of the book, seeing what the cover artists have come up with. I’ll share it as soon as I can. Meanwhile. I’ve turned over the proposal for Healing the Amish Widow’s Heart, title tentative, and I am just waiting to see what my editor thinks. Hate the wait, but hope she loves it. This will be book 2 in the Humble Blessings series.

Since I’m keeping this short, I’ll wish you all a happy holiday season. I’ll be back next year. Looking forward to 2022!

Peace and joy to all!




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