Dear Readers,
You’re right. I’m late posting this month. But I do have a good excuse, and can now explain. As you all know, I turned over Amity’s book (Texas Amish Brides #3) at the beginning of August. I’ve been anxiously waiting to hear what my editor thought about the book. I can now share the answer: the manuscript has been accepted and is heading toward the production que. I don’t have a final title or release date, but that info should be coming soon. I’ll share deets as soon as I have them.
So here’s where things stand. There’s book coming out soon — Bonding Over the Amish Baby, 10.24.23 — a book heading toward production and another heading to proposal. Truly, it’s been busy times! I’m working on Florene’s book now, and will be turning it in around the first of November. Fingers crossed my editor likes it.
So happy to share the good news with you all. Stayed turned for more.
Happy reading!
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