December 2023 Update

Dear Readers,

Welcome to December! Hard to believe that we’ve come down to the last month of the year, but here it is. As 2023 winds down, a lot of things have been happening behind the scenes. Changes are coming and I wanted to share them with you guys right away.

First, my newsletter will be changing its schedule. Instead of hit and miss a couple of times a year, I’ll be releasing one every month. Newsletters will include chat about what I’m working on, exclusive excerpts of works in progress and books coming soon, as well as cover reveals and — this is so fun!!! — there will be SWAG! Yes, a signed print book and goodies I’ve picked out for my loyal readers. Once a month I’ll send a swag bag out to one lucky subscriber. Could that be you? Absolutely. But only if you’re on my mailing list. 🙂 To make it easy to join, I’ve redesigned my website with a direct link to the newsletter sign-up. Swing on by, see the new layout and join today. It’s free, it’s easy and only takes a minute to fill out the form.  First edition will debut in January 2024.

Hoping you’re all ready for a fun year ahead!

Sending love & light,



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